It's Eclipse Day! 🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑 Check out this artwork from our students over at Tecumseh Acres Early Learning Center. Starting at 2:27 p.m., the Great American Eclipse's trajectory will span the continental United States, stretching from southern Texas to northern Maine, over a duration of 68 minutes. Additionally, the path is anticipated to traverse segments of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. #TotalSolarEclipse #eclipse #tecumsehpublicschools
12 months ago, Victor Pratt
Several 7th and 8th-grade students from Tecumseh Middle School's band recently showcased their talent in an honors band performance. This distinguished ensemble participated in the Lenawee County Middle School Honors Band event, hosted by Adrian High School and conducted by Daniel Taylor from the University of Michigan. Their inclusion in this group is noteworthy, as students are selected through teacher nominations. 93 students from various schools across Lenawee County participated in the performance. Congratulations, Kayleigh Brindamour, Rhys Dunham, Leo McInchak, Ava Neesam, Viola Stock, Micah Zick, Ebey Book, Lilly Frost, Ellie Herr, Adella Juarez, Devin Murphy, Harrison Stamper, and Elena Winkler.
12 months ago, Victor Pratt
While the weather hasn't been great, students at Patterson Intermediate Learning Center recently held a 'book-nic' indoors and had a great time! This literacy-themed event encourages reading together while enjoying the great outdoors, albeit with a slight adjustment in moving this indoors this time. Students grabbed their favorite books, snacks, and a blanket and got nice and cozy.
12 months ago, Victor Pratt
book nic
book nic
book nic
book nic
book nic
book nic
book nic
book nic
book nic
book nic
Happy Paraprofessional Appreciation Day! Paraprofessionals play a vital role in supporting students individually, aiding those with diverse developmental and academic requirements, contributing to classroom dynamics, and beyond. Your dedication is indispensable to our students' growth, education, and achievements. Thank you for all your hard work!
12 months ago, Victor Pratt
Just before Spring Break, Tecumseh High School students seized a valuable chance to connect with local businesses and explore career options within our community! Facilitated by Align Center for Workforce Development, the Career Connections Job Fair in Adrian saw over 40 employers engaging with students, offering insights into diverse industries such as medical, manufacturing, automotive, and education. This event was not only about employment; it was a platform for our students to network, cultivate relationships, acquire new skills, and access resources for their future endeavors. #FutureReady #tecumsehpublicschools #jobfair #careerfair
12 months ago, Victor Pratt
job fair
job fair
job fair
job fair
job fair
job fair
job fair
job fair
job fair
job fair
Wednesday, April 3, will be an Early Release day for ALL students! Release times: Tecumseh Preschool - 1 pm Sutton Early Learning Center - 1:30 pm Tecumseh Acres Early Learning Center - 1:35 pm Herrick Park Intermediate Learning Center - 1:45 pm Patterson Intermediate Learning Center - 1:45 pm Tecumseh Middle School - 12:35 pm Tecumseh High School - 12:45 pm
12 months ago, Victor Pratt
early release
March is all about celebrating the joy of reading! Preschoolers at Tecumseh Public Schools Preschool had a special treat this month as some amazing ladies from the TPS Central Office took time to read to Ms. Glenn and Mrs. Martinez's class. Veronica Moore, Kelli Glenn, and Danielle Adamczak shared wonderful stories and generously donated books to the classroom. #tecumsehpublicschools #marchisreadingmonth #NationalReadingMonth
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
A special guest visited Patterson Intermediate Learning Center virtually today. Tecumseh Public Schools alum Kristine McQuown, an author, entrepreneur, and speaker, read her book 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲, 𝐍𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐨 to our third graders, teaching them about the incredible bond between humans and dogs. Our kiddos were so into it, listening attentively the whole time! Thanks, Kristine, for sparking imaginations and spreading the joy of reading! If you would like to learn more about Kristine and her work, visit
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
virtual reading
virtual reading
virtual reading
virtual reading
virtual reading
virtual reading
Our Young 5s students at Tecumseh Acres Early Learning Center recently dove into a bubbly adventure as part of their Creative Curriculum Clothes Study! The question: how do we take care of our clothes? They experimented to find out which soap cleans best! After stories like Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm, they hypothesized: ten thought liquid soap, five thought bar soap. Using toy dinosaurs and brushes, they scrubbed away! Results? Liquid soap was a bubble explosion! Bar soap? A few bubbles, but spinning made more! Conclusion: Successful experiment, clean dinosaurs, and tons of bubbly science fun! #scienceisfun #BubblesExperiment 🧼
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
🚨 Attention Parents/Guardians 🚨 We want to keep you informed about a recent occurrence in our school district and city. There has been a noticeable "gassy" smell in the area, but please rest assured that our school building is safe. The Tecumseh Fire Department has thoroughly investigated, and there's no danger to anyone or our building. While the smell may linger, it poses no threat to health or safety. Your child's well-being is our top priority, and we're closely monitoring the situation. If you have any concerns, feel free to reach out. Thank you for your understanding! #SafetyFirst #CommunityAlert
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐡 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 The TPS Board of Education will interview four candidates for superintendent during a "Special" board meeting on Saturday, March 16. The meeting is scheduled for 9 am-3:30 pm. MORE INFORMATION >>
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
superintendent search
Just another adorable day in Ms. Glenn and Mrs. Martinez's Tecumseh Public Schools Preschool class! 🐶🐶🐶 Our little learners had some furry friends over for a special Pet Study session, and the cuteness was off the charts! Don't forget to give Ms. Glenn and Mrs. Martinez a shoutout for making this pawsitively awesome experience happen!
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
Thursday, March 7, will be a half-day for Young 5s-4th grade students ONLY! Sutton ELC - 11:40 am Tecumseh Acres ELC - 11:45 am Herrick Park ILC - 11:55 am Patterson ILC - 11:55 am Preschool - 11 am
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
half day
Tecumseh High School is returning the Empty Bowls fundraiser to support food-related charities! Select a one-of-a-kind, handmade ceramic bowl crafted by our talented art students and local artists. Each bowl represents the empty bowls of our community facing food insecurity. For just $10, you get a unique piece of art and a delicious soup meal with breadsticks, cookies, and water! All proceeds go directly to local food pantries, so let's make a positive impact together! 📅: Thursday, March 14 ⌚: 6 pm-8 pm 🏫: Tecumseh High School
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
empty bowls
empty bowls
Friday, March 1st, is a half-day for Young 5s-4th grade students ONLY! Sutton Early Learning Center - 8:25 am-11:40 am Tecumseh Acres Early Learning Center - 8:30 am-11:45 am Herrick Park & Patterson Intermediate Learning Centers - 8:40 am-11:55 am Tecumseh Preschool - 11 am release
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
half day
Five students at the LISD TECH Center have been awarded the 2024 Gary Bettis Tool Box Grant. One of those students is Tecumseh High School senior Bennett Francis (middle)! The Automotive Services Technology program students were granted $1,000 to buy an automotive toolbox and a basic set of tools. The AST program readies students for careers in automotive services, encompassing roles such as technicians, mechanics, engineers, and parts specialists. The escalating complexity of automotive technology and the prolonged lifespan of vehicles underscore the rising demand for automotive professionals across the country. Within this program, students undergo practical training in a workshop environment and have the opportunity to attain industry-recognized certifications. Congratulations to Bennett and the other students!
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
tool kit
The countdown is on. Superintendent Rick Hilderley has 100 days left at Tecumseh Public Schools before he retires! To help start the countdown, kindergarteners at Tecumseh Acres Early Learning Center presented Superintendent Hilderley with a '100' paper chain so he can clip a link each day until there are no more left. 🔗🔗🔗 Excellent craftsmanship by Tecumseh Acres ELC kindergarten teacher Melissa Hilton, who designed and assembled the chain.
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
100 days left
100 days left
100 days left
100 days left
100 days left
100 days left
100 days left
100 days left
It goes without saying that a library/media center is usually a quiet place. It was no different when sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students from Tecumseh Middle School were focused during a friendly math competition. This was part of the Michigan Mathematics League Competition. The MIML believes that engaging in math contests provides students with a valuable chance to be involved in an academically-focused endeavor and to receive acknowledgment for their accomplishments in mathematics. The mathematical questions encompass diverse complexities and address subjects of interest to students performing above average. In the competitions, every participating school is provided with a score report booklet that includes the names of the top 25 scoring students and schools in the League. Additionally, it features the names of the four highest-scoring students and schools on each level within every county contest region. #mathcompetition #tecumsehpublicschools #tecumsehmiddleschool #michiganmathematicsleaguecompetition
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
math competition
math competition
math competition
math competition
math competition
math competition
math competition
math competition
math competition
math competition
Spread the news! Enrollment for ALL GRADES for the 2024-2025 school year at Tecumseh Public Schools is OPEN NOW! This includes Young 5s and Kindergarten students. Don't forget, the Y5-Kindergarten Registration Fair is on March 16, from 9 am to noon. It's being held at Sutton Early Learning Center! Enrollment Information >>
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
The end of the Kids Heart Challenge saw a celebration at Patterson Intermediate Learning Center. Through their hard work, the students made a huge difference by raising several thousand dollars for the American Heart Association! As a result of their effort, students won various prizes, including some big ones. However, the best part was the opportunity to slam (gently) a pie into a teacher's face! Allie Hoeft, Lindsey Chase, Meggan Callison, and Matt Schmidt were team players, volunteering for the fun. The Kids Heart Challenge focuses on whole-body well-being, helping students improve their health and character while raising life-saving donations for the American Heart Association to help kids with special hearts. #tecumsehpublicschools #kidsheartchallenge #americanheartassociation
about 1 year ago, Victor Pratt
heart challenge
heart challenge
heart challenge
heart challenge
heart challenge
heart challenge
heart challenge
heart challenge