DON'T FORGET Food pickup is today from 10:30am-12:30pm at Tecumseh High School. The normal schedule will resume next Tuesday.
about 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
food pickup
DON'T FORGET! There's no school for ALL students on Monday, February 15th because of Presidents' Day. School resumes on Tuesday, February 16th.
about 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
no school
Students at North Early Learning Center are celebrating today. They decided to celebrate the 100th day of school by making t-shirts and other projects with 100 items to display in the hallways and in their classroom. Great work!
about 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
100 items
100 items
100 items
100 items
LOOKING AHEAD: Monday, February 15th - No school for ALL students, Y5, Kdg-12th grade (Presidents' Day) --- Tuesday - February 16h - School resumes --- Friday, February 19th - Half-day for ALL students, Y5, Kdg-12th (Early Dismissal). Half-day Teacher PD (PM)
about 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
Everything is back to normal at North Early Learning Center. Around 8:30, the school was evacuated after smoke was found in two classrooms. Staff immediately called the fire department and they quickly arrived to assess the situation. At 9, students and staff were allowed back into the building after the fire department determined it was safe to do so. Right now, the cause of smoke is still being investigated. Everyone is safe and no one was hurt. Great work by the staff to act quickly and evacuate the students in a calm manner. Thank you to the Tecumseh Fire Department and Clinton Fire Department for their assistance.
about 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
fire truck
north classroom
Students at North Early Learning Center made some fantastic groundhog masks today to celebrate Groundhog Day. These Young 5s students from Kim Scheerer's class had a lot of fun learning all about Groundhog Day, and they even made their own predictions. Brace yourself for six more weeks of winter! In case you missed it, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning and, as legend holds, that means six additional weeks of heavy coats and mittens.
about 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
north elc groundhog day
A look ahead: Monday, January 18 - No school for all students, Y5, Kdg-12th grade -- Martin Luther King Jr. Day Tuesday, January 19 - School resumes
about 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
January 2021 breakfast and lunch menus for North and South Early Learning Centers have been released More info:
about 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
north and south elc menus
north and south elc menus
Welcome back TPS students and staff! We hope you had a great winter break.
about 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
welcome back
Tuesday, December 22 - Half-day for ALL students (early dismissal) Wednesday-Friday, Dec. 23-25 - No school for all students - Winter Break Monday-Friday, Dec.28-Jan.1 - No school for all students - Winter Break Monday, January 4 - School Resumes
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
Did you know any student at Tecumseh Public Schools is eligible for a special library card from the Tecumseh District Library? The card gives students access to all digital materials available at the library. • Overdrive/Libby - eBooks, audio books • MeL (Michigan eLibrary) - test prep, science and tech databases, automotive guides and repair, legal • Hoopla - eBooks, audio books, movies and music • Mango Languages - online language learning program featuring 70 languages Students, if you're interested in one of these library cards, reach out to the Tecumseh District Library at 517-423-2238. You can also go to, click on the 'Events' tab and sign up for the free card.
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
library card
FOOD SERVICE UPDATE 12/14 With K-8 students back in class, we will only be using ONE location for food pickup on Tuesday, December 15th. The pick up location is at Tecumseh High School. Pick up time is 10:30am-12:30pm. Pick up is at the high school's shipping and receiving dock. Please enter off of Brown Street and follow the signage for food pickup.   If you are scheduled to pick up and aren't planning to, please email ASAP. Don't forget, we can deliver if that works best for you.  
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
Students are back at North Early Learning Center! In-person learning restarted on Thursday (12/10) after a brief pause. We're happy to have the students back in class!
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
north elc
north elc
north elc
north elc
FOOD SERVICE REMINDER Food service continues tomorrow, December 8th. Right now, we're still using two locations for pickup. One at Compass Learning Center, the other is at the high school. Pick up time is from 10:30am-12:30pm. Families whose last names begin with A through M will pick up at Tecumseh High School's shipping and receiving dock. Please enter off of Brown Street and follow the signage for food pickup. Families whose last name begins with N through Z will pick up in the parent drop off area at Compass Learning Center. Please follow the signage for food pick up.
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
The holidays are right around the corner. Need a gift idea? Starting Wednesday, the 18th, the red Remembrance Poppies from the THS Sculpture Garden will be available for purchase. There's no set price for the ceramic and felted wool poppies. However, we are accepting donations. We are accepting cash or check for the donations. If you using a check, please make it out to Tecumseh High School.
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
Open Heart sculpture
poppies for purchase
poppies location
Under new restrictions announced by the state, Tecumseh High School students will stay in the remote learning model until December 8. When the restrictions are lifted on December 9, high school students will then return to the hybrid model. Students at West STEAM Center, Compass Learning Center, North and South Early Learning Centers will start remote learning on November 17. In-person learning for these students will resume November 30.
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
tecumseh public schools
ICYMI: THS students and staff getting some love from The Daily Telegram. The Open Heart steel sculpture was months in the making and the red Remembrance Poppies took weeks to make. Both made their public debuts this week during our Veterans Day ceremony. The Open Heart sculpture is all about love of community. Check out the article and if you haven't yet, take a look at the previous Veterans Day posts from this week.
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
Open Heart sculpture
Home of the free because of the brave. We honor and thank all the men and women who have served our nation. #VeteransDay
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
Armed Forces
NEW TECH HAS ARRIVED! Within the last couple of days, we have finally received a shipment of brand new Chromebook tablets and Chromebook laptops. 500 of each! Back in July, we put in an order for the tablets and they just arrived late last week. Getting the laptops was a little easier. That request was made just a few short weeks ago and they arrived yesterday. In the coming days, the tablets will go to ELC students and the laptops will be dispersed among high school students. A shout out to our technology department. They've been working nonstop to get these babies up and running. Great job Deven and JP!
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
New Tech
New Tech
New Tech
New Tech
As we near Veterans Day, THS art students took the time out of their day today to place red poppies in the Sculpture Garden. The poppies are lined up along the path leading to the new Open Heart steel sculpture. It may not look like it, but over 560 poppies were made and placed in the garden. It took students from Christine Obeid and Jackie Whiteley's art classes four weeks to make all of these red poppies. Here in the US, and other countries like Britain and Canada, the Remembrance Poppy is a moving symbol of respect for the war dead. It's also a source of support for veterans and their families.
over 4 years ago, Victor Pratt
Open Heart sculpture
Open Heart sculpture