Two members of the Tecumseh Public Schools Board of Education said their goodbyes during the Monday, December 12 meeting.
After years of service, secretary Rebecca Brooks and trustee Suzanne Moore gave their final remarks on Monday, thanking the board and the public for their support. Both members did not run for reelection this past November.
Their terms officially end on December 31.
During the board meeting, Superintendent Rick Hilderley and board president Tony Rebottaro presented commemorative plaques to Brooks and Moore.
“These two members leave a strong legacy of support for students and staff,” said Superintendent Hilderley. “They came in amid unprecedented turmoil and left with a Strategic Plan in place, a completed bargaining agreement, increased wages for hourly staff, upgraded curriculum, and a far better landscape established for the future of TPS!”
Brooks joined the board in January 2019 and has held several roles. She says her time on the board was challenging but would do it all over again.
“I have grown so much in this role and am surrounded by some amazing people in our district. It was an honor to serve the people of our district,” said Brooks. “I am so proud that we were able to get our schools back on course, so our students are prepared for the world that awaits them once they leave our doors upon graduation.”
This wasn’t the only time Moore served the District and the community. She was first elected to the board in 2000 and served until 2007. In her second stint, she also joined the board in January 2019.
It was never her intention to run again, but after learning more about what was happening within the school district, that was all the motivation Moore needed.
“It was a hard road, but we all kept working together. All my fellow board members have been great to work with, and we all certainly strive to do what is best for students,” said Moore. “I am proud to serve the great people of this community. Our Administrators, teachers, and staff are the best and are working hard to continually improve and do what is best for all of our students.”
There is no pay for these positions, and a lot of time goes into doing the job correctly. Rebottaro says the pair’s dedication and support for TPS cannot be stressed enough.
“On behalf of the Tecumseh Board of Education, I’d like to thank Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Moore for their hard work and dedication during their time on the school board,” said Rebottaro. “Both have been instrumental in our schools' significant progress in the last four years. We wish them good luck in all their future endeavors."

No matter what challenges lie ahead for Tecumseh Public Schools, secretary Brooks stresses the importance of education and all of the hard work done by the staff.
“We have truly amazing staff and limitless opportunities at Tecumseh,” Brooks said. “I hope the community begins to see that and dedicates the necessary funds soon so our district can continue leading the way for our county.”
The new school board members, Dr. Jacob Martinez and Joshua Mattison will be sworn in during the January 9 board meeting.