Despite facing a two-day weather delay, Tecumseh Middle School students rallied together for their annual "Rake a Difference" day, proving that nothing can deter their spirit of community service.
Dozens of enthusiastic TMS students, accompanied by dedicated staff members, descended upon more than 30 homes in the Tecumseh community to participate in this event. Whether they walked or rode a bus to their designated locations, these young volunteers joined forces to rake leaves and fill countless bags, providing assistance to those who may struggle with this task on their own. It was a heartwarming display of unity and compassion within the community.
Rake a Difference is organized by the Tecumseh Middle School Builders Club, which is the largest service organization for our middle school students. What makes this club even more inspiring is that it's entirely run by the students themselves. This hands-on approach not only allows students to take charge of their community service efforts but also instills in them the values of empathy and responsibility.
The event wouldn't have been possible without the support of the Kiwanis Club of Tecumseh, Mary Tommelein, and Cindy Hook, who played vital roles in the organization of this incredible community service project. Their dedication to making a difference in the community is commendable and serves as a reminder of how collaboration and community support can create meaningful change.
Rake a Difference not only showcases the remarkable dedication of Tecumseh Middle School students and staff but also demonstrates the power of community service in bringing people together for a common cause. The event is a testament to the positive impact that young people can have on their community when they come together with a shared goal: to make a difference.