
The Tecumseh High School Art Department, led by Jackie Whiteley and Sarah Carter, in collaboration with the Art Club and the National Art Honor Society, hosted a successful Empty Bowls fundraiser in March 2024. The community-driven event aimed to support local food pantries, offering homemade bowls and a meal for $10 each.

The fundraiser saw enthusiastic participation from the community, with TLC Community Credit Union generously donating $1,000 to match the $1,000 raised by students. The event’s outstanding turnout enabled the organizers to exceed their initial goal, raising a total of $2,000 on the night. Combined with TLC’s donation, the total funds raised amounted to $3,000, which will be donated entirely to local organizations.

The $3,000 raised will be distributed equally among three local organizations, each receiving $1,000:

  • God's Bread Basket

  • Tecumseh United Methodist Church Food Pantry

  • Tecumseh Service Club

These funds will provide meals for needy community members, significantly impacting local efforts to combat hunger.

empty bowls
“We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Ron Frenzen for his contribution of bowls for the event, the high school food service for the excellent food served, Basil Boys for the donation of breadsticks, and TLC for their substantial contribution of funds that will help feed many in the community,” said Jackie Whiteley, art educator at Tecumseh High School. “Without this group working together, we would not have been able to hold such a successful event.”

The success of the Empty Bowls fundraiser highlights the power of community collaboration and the local dedication of Tecumseh High School students and staff to making a positive difference in their local area.