*The following letter was read to the public during the Tecumseh Public Schools Board of Education meeting on Monday, September 25, 2023. The letter is from board president Tony Rebottaro. If you are interested in this board position, please reach out to President Rebottaro.
Before we begin, I wanted to take a minute to make a special announcement concerning the membership of this board. On Saturday September 23rd I received an email from Joshua Mattison resigning his position as a Trustee on the Tecumseh Board of Education. Although Josh’s experience and guidance will be missed by the board we are excited for him and his new endeavors, there will be more on this later in the meeting.
Having said this we will now begin the process of selecting a new board member. If you are interested in serving on the board I ask that on or before October 5th you send me a letter indicating your interest, your resume, and statement explaining why you would like to join the board and what qualities you may bring to the position of Board Trustee. We will conduct interviews at our next meeting on October 9th and we expect to make a selection at that same meeting. Documents should be sent to my email at trebottaro@tps.k12.mi.us
If you have any questions regarding this issue or the process of selecting a new board member please feel free to contact me.