With just over a month remaining in the 2022-2023 school year, Tecumseh Public Schools is adjusting the end date for Herrick Park Intermediate Learning Center.
The last day of school for Herrick Park ILC is now Tuesday, June 13. The rest of the district will end on the scheduled date of Thursday, June 8. However, June 8 is still a half-day (for transportation reasons) for ALL students.
The third and fourth-grade building is three days and several hours short of instruction time. To meet the requirements, a few adjustments must be made. First, time will be added to the remaining days of school beginning Monday, May 8 (see schedule below). The added days will run on a special schedule. These adjustments will help meet the day and time requirements and avoid penalties.
Beginning Monday, May 8, at Herrick Park ILC ONLY:
- 8:35 am to 3:50 pm - Remainder of the year (excluding June 8 half-day AND the added days)
Herrick Park ILC ADDED DAYS schedule:
- Friday, June 9 - 8:30 am-1:15 pm
- Monday, June 12 - 8:30 am-1:15 pm
- Tuesday, June 13 - 8:30 am-1:15 pm
This move is due to power outages Herrick Park ILC dealt with at the beginning of the school year and again after the ice storm in February. Coupled with the other weather-related school cancellations, Herrick Park was closed five days more than the rest of the District. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) granted forgiveness for two of the days, leaving three extra missed days of instruction at Herrick Park ILC.
“Unfortunately, we must extend the school year for students and staff at Herrick Park ILC. The District would face a steep fine from the Michigan Department of Education if it fails to do so,” said Superintendent Rick Hilderley. “We apologize for the inconvenience this causes our families and staff. However, the potential funding loss puts the district in a tough position.”
All other TPS buildings will end the year within the guidelines for days and hours set by the MDE.