headstone cleaning

In a moving tribute to our veterans and in remembrance of the events of 9/11, a group of eighth-grade students from Tecumseh Middle School participated in a community service project at Brookside Cemetery.

Nearly two dozen students volunteered to clean and restore the headstones of local veterans, some of which date back to the Civil War. This hands-on project helped beautify the cemetery and served as a powerful lesson on the importance of honoring those who served our country.

headstone cleaning
With guidance from VFW Hall-Slater Post 4187 members, the students learned about the lives and sacrifices of the veterans whose graves they cleaned. The veterans also assisted in the cleaning process, sharing stories and helping the students understand the more profound significance of their work.

The experience gave students a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices made by veterans and emphasized the importance of preserving their memories. Through this project, the students contributed to the community and developed a greater sense of respect for those who served.

headstone cleaning
This project was made possible by the support of the Kiwanis Club of Tecumseh, whose members also assisted the students. Brookside Cemetery graciously provided the space for this impactful community initiative.

The headstones now stand proudly restored, a testament to the student's hard work and a lasting tribute to the heroes who rest there.

We are proud of our students' dedication and grateful to everyone who participated in this critical project.

headstone cleaning
headstone cleaning