Tecumseh Public Schools educates approximately 2,800 students from preschool to 12th grade. Our vision includes identifying a path for each student to discover their unique gifts and talents. We know that students learn at different rates and through different learning styles. Therefore, we strive to keep learning the constant and develop individual learning paths. We at Tecumseh schools share a collective belief that all students can learn at high levels, and we are filtering all decisions through our mission of being “uncompromisingly student centered.” In our work with educators, families and the community we can make our student’s hopes and dreams for the future come true.

Student support services main focus is to work with educators and families to ensure that each one of our students receives the support they need to be engaged and successful on their learning path. We provide everyone working with our students the resources and professional development needed to deliver any additional supports for interventions, enrichment, or acceleration.

Student support services encompass the following areas:


At Tecumseh Public Schools, we prioritize meeting the unique needs of our students without being defined by labels. Our commitment is to a student-centered approach, ensuring that every student, including those with special needs, receives the necessary support for success. Our focus revolves around core educational practices, fostering collaboration among educators and support staff to address each student’s educational requirements, irrespective of labels.

For more information regarding Special Education at Tecumseh Public Schools, click here.


Title I services are provided through our reading specialists, reading coaches, and math support coaches. They work with students in grades K-5 who have been identified by assessments (i-Ready, FastBridge, Fountas and Pinnell and/or DIBELS) as needing intensive interventions.

Our reading specialists play a very important role in our MTSS process through facilitating and interpreting data at our Data and Progress Monitoring Meetings. They also offer suggestions for interventions, help set up individual goals and work with general education and special education teachers to coordinate services and supports. Coaches work under the supervision of the reading specialist and assist with assessments and delivery of services to identified students.

The math coach works with students who need support in the area of Math. FastBridge and i-Ready data is used to determine which students need intervention.

Annual Title I Parent Meeting

The Essential Practices Instructional Practices in Early Literacy is a resource for parents and teachers, and provides best practices in reading instruction developed by the Early Literacy Task Force, a sub committee of the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA) General Education Leadership Network (GELN).


Reading proficiently by the end of third grade has become a significant milestone in a student's educational pathway. This is the transition point where a student begins to read to learn, versus learning to read.

In 2016, the Michigan Legislature passed a law that requires schools to identify students who are struggling with reading and writing and to provide additional help. The law states that third-graders may repeat third grade if they are more than one grade level behind beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.

Facts for Families: What is the Read by Grade Three Law? is provided by the Michigan Department of Education to help families understand the law so they can better support their children.

Other useful information:


At Tecumseh Public Schools we believe that each and every child learns and achieves to high standards and that learning includes academic, behavior and social competencies. The Tecumseh Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) has been designed to assist in creating the structures necessary to utilize a system that supports each and every one of our teachers. MTSS is an integrated multi-tier system of instruction, assessment and intervention that enables us to achieve those high standards through being consistent, efficient and data focused. It is a collaborative system that ensures resources needed will be intentionally designed to match our teachers needs.


Instructional assistants have a rewarding position within education and Tecumseh Public Schools. Instructional assistants influence positive changes in academic, social and behavioral achievement of the learners they work with. Their interest and work with our learners and their assistance to teachers is invaluable. Their priorities are to foster independence and socialization and to help our learners to be engaged in the learning environment.

Instructional assistants work in collaboration with general education teachers, special education teachers and other team members to ensure that each learner they work with will have the best and most positive educational experience possible.