Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Procedures and Guidelines Summary

The following procedures and guidelines explain how to submit a request to the Tecumseh Public Schools for a public record and how to understand the Tecumseh Public Schools’ written responses, deposit requirements, fee calculations, and avenues for challenge and appeal.

Submission of a Request for Public Records

All requests to review or receive a copy of the Tecumseh Public Schools’ public records should be made in writing describing the records requested and clearly identifying the communication as a request for public records. Requests should be sent to the Tecumseh Public Schools FOIA Coordinator:

Veronica Moore
FOIA Coordinator
Tecumseh Public Schools
760 Brown Street
Tecumseh, MI 49286

Fax: 517-423-3847

For the complete procedures and guidelines to filling out a FOIA for Tecumseh Public Schools, please click here.