Jamie Fulton
517-423-3331 x3105
Welcome to Patterson Intermediate Learning Center!
We serve 3rd and 4th grade students here at Patterson ILC. We provide an exceptional educational experience for all our students. It is our desire to meet the needs of the whole child socially and academically.
Here at Patterson ILC, we strive to have all students reach their potential and help them to be prepared to be successful in our global society.
Our philosophy is to meet the needs of each individual learner. We are committed to the academic achievement of all of our students. Patterson ILC provides a program where schooling meets the learning styles, interests and learning stages of all students.
Parents and staff are committed to ensuring a variety of opportunities for children to acquire and demonstrate what they know and are able to do. Patterson ILC incorporates the community's goals for children with sound, innovative and effective research-based educational concepts.
Annual Education Report (AER) - Patterson Intermediate Learning Center
Patterson Intermediate Learning Center
401 N. Van Buren St., Tecumseh, MI 49286
Start/End times:
8:40 am-3:45 pm
11:55 am
Early Release:
1:45 pm